martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Another picture of you two looking like homeless

I need to talk about my mum again. You can think I have mum issues, or she is an inexhaustible resource of funny remarks. Whichever way, here it goes.

We were in a trip and had the great idea of taking a picture with the phone, and thanks to the miracles of modern telecommunications, send it to my mum with our greetings from the Ramon Rocks in Israel.

She didn't look so excited about the fact, though. Maybe she didn't realize the awesomeness of getting an instant, customized, digital postcard from a dessert in the Middle East with all the love of your caring child. So I called her.

"Mum, did you get my message?"
"What? Ah! Yes! Another picture of you two looking like homeless..."
"Yeah, you have thousands of pictures like this, with baggy clothes in some random mountain"

So then, later in Jerusalem, I sent her a picture of myself enjoying a cocktail with a great view of the old town.

"So... what do you think about this picture?"
"mmm, I showed it to your aunt. That's not Martin Who is he?"
"It's me!!"
"You? Don't be ridiculous, darling. That's a man in the picture"

Screw the miracles of telecommunication. As log as my mum doesn't get a phone with a decent resolution, I'm sticking to postcards.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Two people running in circles in opposite directions

A friend of us is doing a thesis about the meaning that people assign to words in different languages. For the purpose of the study, she chose the word "love" (I will not comment on this) and the study includes Czech, Russian, French and English, all languages she speaks fluently.

Martin volunteered to be rat lab. He was supposed to draw what love means for him. Here you have the masterpiece.

I have to admit this made me really confused. I understand the concept behind the circle, no beginning and no end. But the arrows according to Martin, represent people. People running in opposite directions that will eventually meet each other and… crash leaving behing a bloddy mess or a cloud of ashes? Or they will run past each other forever and ever, without finding their other half? Whatever the alternative, something is very wrong in his head.

And now, as usual, I wonder. Is it a Czech thing or a men thing? Therefore, I asked our friend what other people drew. Apparently, women tend to draw more figurative items, the tipycal stuff; hands held together, two people, hearts and the like. What about men? Here are some examples:

I think I got my answer.