And finally Daniel is born.
I will spare the ugly details. The thirty eight hours with contractions and the cesarean. If you are expecting I say now that everything was worth it the moment I looked at my newborn child, think again. I did not forget the hell of pain and I would run to buy a family package of condoms if I intended to have sex at any point in the future.
I am now more convinced than ever that drugs are a gift of god and I don't have any moral problems to use them. Anybody that ever tried recreational drugs cannot possible have a reason to refuse an epidural. Besides masochism.
Daniel is really cute, and this is not just mother's talk. Newborns are generally ugly, wrinkled and sometimes furry, but this baby has very big open blue eyes that seems to tell you "please, don't kill me, I'm your genetical material". I may have made many mistakes in life, but I knew Martin was a decent genetic pool.