Not only works steals a lot of time, but on top of that some of my friends have to take care of children. And some of them have to take care of children in the opposite side of the globe, which makes it really difficult to meet up for a coffee from time to time and catch up in the small things.
So, it comes the time, I said to myself, when I might need to start counting co-workers as friends and rediscovering the joy of spending time with myself. It comes the time where self-aid books don't look so retarded anymore. It comes the time when you cannot stuff yourself with wine and chocolate without paying the consequences. It comes the time when make up is not a Saturday night thing. Maybe, I said to myself, maybe the time has come.
And then the day actually comes and my friends from the other side of the globe and my colleagues from university, whom I haven't seen in ages, find the time to write a line for me, my co-workers organize a surprise party and I stuff myself with two different kinds of cakes and I drink French wine with my lovely boyfriend who has bought thirty red roses for me (implicit marriage proposal, according to my aunt) and I think Wow. Seriously. I'm a lucky bastard.
And I know that it is thanks to facebook and skype that everybody knows I’m crossing that scary imaginary line and it is as probable as scary that all my real friends are becoming virtual. Even my mum said “the computer is telling me you are thirty now”. “The computer is becoming bit too clever, mum. Ignore it”. That’s why I decided to invest a bit more time this year to visit friends and get to share the small things, and maybe even get in touch with those little scary things they have decided to create. Yeah, it’s going to cost a lot of money too, but it is absolutely necessary. I’m thirty now! It’s scary! I'm sure they are scared too!
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