viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Lack of sleep

My friends say that sex after a child becomes faster and quieter. And I would add, less important than sleeping.

Daniel's bed has been in our room until now and (for my single friends) no, we did not have sex while he was awake. Mainly because it is impossible. Imagine, just imagine, sex with a baby crawling on your face. Not sexy.

Daniel has been sleeping in our room until now because of the books we read. Apparently, the latest trends in child bearing are very critical with the old methods, variations of the "let him cry until he sleeps", which, my friends say, works really nicely. But "The Books" compare it to dog training. So, because we want to be modern and enlighted parents, we let him sleep with us, and we hold him when he wakes up in the middle of the night, and lately we wake up at five a.m. every day to feed him a yogurt because he gets hungry.

I do wonder, of course, whether these zombie walks at such unholy hours will have any benefit in the long term. He is unlikely to remember, and I'm unlikely to keep proof of the bruises I sustained trying to reach the fridge while sleepwalking. Like with so many baby-related things, there is not an approved protocol. You are pretty much in your own. We are in our own, and sleepy, and desperate. And we don't have so much sex, which seems to be the biggest problem for my dear husband.

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