In German class we have sometimes this exercise where you
should say if an adjective is positive or negative. Given that the class is
full of Iranians, Argentinians and Spanish engineers. This leads generally to a
pleasant conversation. This kind of conversation that starts “in my country…”
or in this case “ in meinem
Land …”.
In meinem
Land , for instance,
curiosity is considered something positive. Curiosity is what motivates people
to finish a PhD and discover a cure for cancer. Theoretically. It is also what
motivates people to research if chimpanzees are able to recognize each other looking
at pictures of their anuses. It might be that curiosity leads to the discovery
of electricity, but it also leads people to mix mentos with coke, baileys with
orange juice and keep Camembert in vinegar. Personally, I would not let the
kind of people that plays that way with food anywhere near chemicals.
I agree, curiosity can be the driver to a successful career.
But in short term it most likely will make you drive to a urology ER.
If you think about it, curiosity was behind your most
idiotic actions. Out of curiosity I have eaten locusts. Out of curiosity, I want to believe,
my son eats dirt from the floor. Out of curiosity and not jealousy, I read my
husband’s mail whenever I get the chance. For the same reason I watched, like
many other idiots, the insufferable second season of Downtown Abbey… and the
absurd third, fourth, fifth and sixth from Lost. Out of curiosity I had to
watch the unbearable joke that is Avatar and lost my faith in humanity, or at
least in script writers.
Talking about films. If we learnt something out of horror
movies is that curiosity killed a decent number of blond teenagers.
Curiosity… Today the idea came to me, from a purely scientifical,
hypothetical point of view, what would happen if we try this little experiment
once more? Would we get another clone from Martin, proving the comparative
strength of Czech DNA? Would he like autos, or would he get obsessed with
Of course I rejected these thoughts as I would reject the
idea to scrub chilies in my pubis… out of curiosity
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