domingo, 8 de julio de 2012

more playgrounds

Today in the German course, I was planning to hide myself behind my Chinese colleague and snooze happily. I'm not feeling proud but mothering a 15 months old baby sometimes feels like feeding a monkey with a spoon and putting diapers on a goat… while they fight each other.

So anyway, I couldn't really sleep that much because motherhood was the topic of the day and I had to give my view. Well, I didn't have to, really, but I cannot keep my mouth shut, even when the question is idiotic. So, do I think there are enough playgrounds in Nuremberg?

Oh, definitely. There are so many playgrounds in Nuremberg the parents from the same quarter have a hard time bumping into each other. There are so many playgrounds that a friend of mine was looking for "an empty one". The idea of somebody asking for more playgrounds only serves to remind me of the fact that there are no real problems in this country.

We are in the first world of the first world. A great place to be a mother... unless you want to work, that's it. Because why would you? The playgrounds would go unused! Sometimes I imagine this type of conversation going on in the town hall:

-Sir. Those mums... they keep on sending out job applications. Mostly part time, but worryingly more and more intend to share the parental leave with their Männer.
-¡No! Why? Aren't they happy and zufrieden zu Hause?
-Maybe not, sir. Maybe something is missing?
-What could that be? Was? We already had the devil himself designing the process to access Kindergartens.
-No idea, sir. But we got a letter from a lady asking for more playgrounds. We have this pile of money unused... Let's build some extra playgrounds.
-Ja, gut, let's do that. And, please, Hans, stop already with the sauerkraut.

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