A friend in Madrid
has been busy lately freezing her eggs. The information is so juicy I got
completely blocked and it took me weeks getting to write this post.
For starters, my friend is thirty-three years old, just like me, and
gynecologist, so she knows what she is doing. If my Finanzberater took all his
money out of the bank to store it under his bed, I should most likely get
And since she knows what she is doing, the only possible
conclusion is that we have reached that age in which makes sense to freeze your
eggs. I honestly thought the most dramatic thing of becoming older was getting
wrinkles! In the thirties, eggs quality declines and said gynecologist meets
daily with couples that have serious problems to conceive. Unbelievable, isn’t
it? I can’t help thinking that for some lucky ones all needed is a couple of
tequilas, a silly party et
But, dear friend, before you run to your closest health care
facility, you should know that the procedure is kinda expensive and your insurance won't
cover it. So, before you make the investment make sure your business plan
includes Match.com or a trusted Sperm bank.
Don’t take me wrong, I think it is great to have a contingency
plan in your freezer, but for some reason the whole matter makes me a tiny bit
sad. Is all this really necessary? If you freeze your eggs, means you want to
be mother, and if you want to be a mother, isn't thirty-three good enough? I
have the feeling something is not right when paying thousands of Euros to delay
your biological clock seems more reasonable that finding in your local pub or
language course a friendly, financially independent, and reasonable good
looking pool of genetic material.
My single friends complain about finding a suitable candidate more
than they complain about finishing a pending MBA, so I'm going to act like an
irresponsible journalist and assume the problem is not that we need more time
to grow professionally, but we have issues finding the right partner. And when I start talking
about partners, I have to say I noticed we haven't had a "boyfriend"
or a "partner" for years in my group of friends. We have rather
friends with benefits that have been seeing each other for years, or fuck
buddies that plan vacations together and watch TV like an old married couple.
Nothing similar to a relationship, god forbid!
So seems it is not usual anymore having a relationship, however,
we think about freezing our eggs. Are we more scared about sharing the bathroom
cabinet than we are about letting someone poking our ovaries with a big needle? My
single friends may disagree but seems to me the answer is yes. Either that, or
the truth is they want to keep on enjoying single life until mid forties, which
I personally think it is great, and I would encourage my friends to be honest
about it. I'm not going to say they are a bunch of trollops. Their mothers
might, though.
And talking about mothers, Indian parents have a solution for the
problem of rebellious kids that instead of making children are living a great
life. Reaching thirties, if the offspring doesn't seem ready to settle down and
reproduce, an ad in the local newspaper will do. Cheap and effective.
In China ,
a walk to the park seems to suffice: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/china-match-making-parents-single-love-lives-16112012-20121116.html#0TJ1Tb9
For sure cheaper than this: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323628004578458882165244260.htm
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