domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

The sound of music

Being pregnant, besides from magical and all that crap, has been so far a not so exciting exercise on responsibility.

Everything could possibly harm the baby (and this everything goes from shushi to working until ten). Pregnancy is looking at a sandwich in the cafeteria and thinking of bacteria damaging a little liver or a tiny brain. If you want to take it one step further, you can even worry about computer radiation as you read this. Or music.

Turns out that more or less at this point, our fetus should be able to listen. And then of course I started thinking about what out fetus is listening to. A bit of Czech radio and Spanish pop, turns out, which in itself is quite harmless, but, shouldn't we do it better? I cannot do with Mozart the whole day, but I started to tune our selection to include a bit more jazz, since I am not able to appreciate it properly and I would really like my child to do so.

Moreover, I was told that if you play some music regularly, that's what the baby will demand in order to sleep. Think about it. Is there anything in your CDs that you would not mind listening EVERY DAY???

But most of what the baby is listening the whole day is my own voice reminding the agenda of some meeting or chatting about silly stuff in slightly incorrect English with Spanish accent. We cannot be sure about what the fetus is picking up at this point, but not the right way of pronouncing the Czech alphabet, that's for sure.

So in an exercise of responsibility (another one), I'm trying to call my mum more often, so the fetus can hear Spanish. Yes, I know, what a mother wouldn't do for her fetus?

Pregnancy Symptoms: Looking forward to the moment when I go from "chubby" to "definitely pregnant".
Mother instinct: Two. I still cannot stand babies crying in public places