miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Eight little fingers and two opposable thumbs

Isn't it great? Today I'm not excited because I was assigned a big difficult project, or because my fellow engineers pretended to do what I asked them for. Today is a great day because the results of my analysis have arrived and I don't have HIV, nor syphilis, and, even more importantly, my fetus has four fingers and a nice opposable thumb in each hand.

I feel quite proud of being able to appreciate these little magic details. I am not living a simple life. I generally need technological and cultural complex aids for entertainment; Wii and Woody Allen, booze, thai food and overpriced shoes. I don't feel too ashamed when I say that I'm not really able to recognize the beauty of a green field or a stream of water. I'm a city girl. If I got lost in the forest, I would probably die. Luckily, it is rather unlikely that I will get enough close to the forest to get lost.

But those ten seconds... counting together with the unpleasant Czech lady in charge of the sono machine. One, two... and finally ten! oh, yes! Ten fingers which moved together with the little hand as the unpleasant lady poke the fetus with the sono device. Isn't it a miracle?

Pregnancy Symptoms: Looks like the fetus stopped messing with my stomach.
Mother instinct: Three. I was a bit upset with the unpleasant lady poking my fetus. Was it instinct when I wanted to slap her? Or was just her being a stupid and really unpleasant cow?

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