miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Kde je zajíc?

As I mentioned before, Martin really fears the moment his son will speak to him in German. The good thing is, we are past the denial phase. I think Martin knows, even if he would not admit it, that one day not too far away his son is going to tell him things he will not be able to understand. However, this does not prevent Martin to do everything he possibly can to delay this moment. And everything he possibly can is "Czech for babies".

Every day from seven to eight in the evening, Martin teaches Daniel the animals, the body and recently shapes and colors.

-Zajicek, zajiiiicek, kde je zajiiiiicek? - Repeats Martin one hundred times - and my baby (the cleverest baby in the whole world) points the bunny.

Honestly, at the beginning I didn't have much hope in the system. However the results have proven me wrong. In a few days we went from the bunny to the crocodile and the giraffe, from the jungle back to the farm with the cow and the pig and explore other areas like the eyes, nose, shoes, belly bottom and even the corn! Impressive. Daniel's only words are still agua and autooo, but I don't doubt he could order in a Chinese restaurant just by pointing at the menu.

Given the success, this week we decided to do an experiment. Would Daniel be able to understand the same words in Spanish? Well, yes, it turns out that without any need of further lessons, Daniel is able to point el conejito, and, unfortunately for his father, also die Hase.

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