martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Neni agua

Last week Daniel said his first sentence "neni agua". Two words, one Spanish, one Czech, four letters each. It is as if he would have been asked, "who do you love more, mum or dad?" And he would have answered, "both exactly the same"

I know this display of emotion is not very normal in me. The miracle of life says nothing to me. It is not particularly difficult making a baby. It is easier than, for example, paying a mortgage, learning German and make a decent cheesecake.

Nevertheless, we experienced with understandably emotion Daniel's first year. We recorded his first steps and behaved liked overexcited cheerleaders when he started eating alone. We opened the mouth at the same time as him, accompanied with aaahhh and oohhh every movement of the spoon and maniacally clapped our hands if by any chance the spoon reached his mouth with some food after dropping most in our faces.

I'm first to admit Daniel is fascinating. That little pink thing was content licking his hands just a few months back and now is using those same hands to unplug mummy's computer. But talking... we experienced Daniel's talking like if we were in front of a fucking miracle. Imagine. A sentence! Two words together! Isn't is amazing?

Yes, I am excited. Pointing something ans saying "dog" is already difficult. Dogs come in all colors and shapes and some could very well be taken for a small sheep. My baby identifies dogs and not only that, he can do it in three different languages. Impressive. And when you think this is already too much he realizes "neni" is a verb, and he can attach a nice little noun and goes around the house constructing sentences "neni agua" "neni té" and I get really really excited. Could it be mother instinct?

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