lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

The worst that could happen to Martin

Already a few weeks ago Daniel started saying “nein”. For almost everything. It has not been however as heart breaking as we thought it would be. In fact that blonde miniature of a German is hilarious. We spend hours just asking him questions and laughing.

-Shall we go to bed?
-Shall we wash the hands?
-Shall we go for a walk?
-Do you want an auto?

As usual, life, meaning Daniel, has this ability to plot further than you ever could. His father was sure Daniel would break his heart if he started talking like an Arbeitsamt worker. In fact, it went a little bit differently. I will explain.

Daniel watching a book with his father:
-Kunda, kunda!
Confused father
-Kunda, kunda!
My German friend steps in
-I think he means Kinder

Yes, the worst his father could expect was not Daniel looking into his eyes and saying “no!” in German. The worse that could happen is that he looked into his father’s eyes and say cunt, cunt! in Czech.

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