viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

And the mum became granny

We were terribly lucky. Daniel grasped quickly what the best things in life are. He ate nicely, he napped long hours, and as long as he did those, most of the time he seemed just happy. The grandmas in the other hand... those ladies are high maintenance.

The baby needs to feed every three hours, and the grandmas too need to feed somebody every three hours. To that end, they request a kitchen equipped with the exact same items they have on their own kitchen. That is, finding fresh perejil in Prague, knedliky in Nuremberg, and shame on you! How can you even live without a coffee machine? Why did you have to buy this complicated induction thingy? I just want to heat up water. Water heater? uhmmm.. (read it with a disapproving look)

They also have a number of other additional urges, like complaining about the location, distribution and decoration choices of your flat. Not because it is bad, it is a beautiful place, hon, buuuut instead of a second floor it could be a first one, one street further is less noisy and good massive wood furniture last forever. Although, if we shall listen to grandma number 2 we should go to live somewhere cheaper and greener and she has an old sofa we could use. Daniel's requirements so far are at least possible to fulfill. He just wants Mummy's arms. Any sofa it's ok as long as it can take a bit of vomit.

There are things in which grandma 1 and grandma 2 absolutely agree: The worst think that can happen to Daniel is to have the ears exposed to the air... in April... with 25 degrees outside. Other than that, we should put four blankets around him or letting him naked, bath him every day or once per week, give him tea or not give him breast every time he asks.

Additionally, grandmas bring with them a fair amount of drama. Because you took your grandchild far from them, because you ignore their wise outdated advises, and a few other unknown reasons. Hormones, I suppose.

And I wonder, what happened to the mum that was happy just calling me once every 15 days. Why once she became granny she has to bother every hour? And through all the drama, what Daniel does? He sleeps

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