viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

A kindergarten, for the love of God

I know I'm sometimes a bit annoying when talking about religion. Radical atheism, I think it is called. Well, dear friend, if I ever was a godless pain in the ass you are welcome to drop by Nuremberg in the next days. You will have the chance to hear me saying one or several of the following:

-I would love my son to grow in the Christian faith.
-My husband and I respect very much the Catholic religion.
-Sure, I'm baptized, my whole family is.
-My husband is a very spiritual person.
-This materialistic society is missing Christian morals, tsk, tsk.

Yes, that is it. We are looking for a Kindergaten. In fact, we are looking for a Kindergarten close to home that stays open reasonably long. And in order to get it I'm willing to baptize once more, walk around with a Hightower magazine and a batch with my name, or swear my mum is Jew.

What kind of a person am I? Where are my values? You are probably asking. Well, as anything else in this life, this is a question of priorities. In this case, over my atheist values have priority my feminist values, you know, those that compel me to have my own bank account and whisper in my ear that God kills a kitten every time a man says "I help my wife home".

When a woman wants to work full time in this country, she has to give up something: health, sleep, the joy for life... in my case it is going to be coherence. And half of my salary. That too.

Anyway, God help us... yes, I keep on practicing.

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