martes, 26 de febrero de 2013


I'm  about to write the post that is going to prove once and forever my mother instinct. There I go:

Daniel's dictionary

Agua: Lately pronounced afua, unfortunate German metamorphosis, means "I'm thirsty" or "I hurt myself".

Caca: It could be Kartofeln (potato, German) or a change of diaper needed.

Cucu: It could refer to one of three foods, Gurkel (cucumber, German, or could it be really cucumber?), Kukurice (corn, Czech), Yogurt (international) or in case of not food around, it should be understood as in "Peekaboo!".

Manena: Meine (mine, German) o mandarina/mandarinka (language under discussion).

Na: Elena, aunt, or "here you are" in Czech.

Neni: There isn't, Czech or Daniel himself.

Teta/Tata/Tita/Tete, read it with uncertain vowels: Teta (stress release device), teta (Czech auntie), tata (Czech dad), tarta (cake, Spanish, tic-tac (clock, international), tete (belly bottom, Spanish).

Papa: Bye in Czech or dad/tata/person that comes home generally late at night to play with my train.

Mama: International, God be praised for that.

Jai/Nai: Yes/No, German, no matter what Martin says.

Autoooo: Previously discussed.

Done. You see? I have mother instinct. No way I would write something so silly otherwise.

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